Founded in 2021, The Quick Company is the official OUDS Acting Company that supports and enriches 12 actors' training throughout a term. The actors work with visiting practitioners as well as student directors, exploring the craft of acting and theatre-making each week for two hours.
We're named after actor Diana Quick, the first female President of OUDS, and who is also our Patron. We have hosted industry professionals such as The Pappy Show, Hester Chillingworth, and more.
1. To create a daring and explorative space where students can hone their skills without the pressure of a production deadline.
2. To support actors who did not have many previous opportunities to access theatre before University.
Auditions open at the end of each term so make sure to keep an eye out on this site, the OUDS Facebook page, and The Quick Company Facebook page.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with costanza.levy@exeter.ox.ac.uk and philippa.lang@queens.ox.ac.uk.
Art by Freya Hutchins.
'Sing, River', Love Song Productions, TT23
Photo by Riya Kataria