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OUDS at the Edinburgh Fringe​


The 2022-23 committee is compiling a Guide to the Fringe from people who have done it before. If you have been to the Fringe with a production or as an audience member before, we want your feedback! Please fill in the form below.


Not all of the questions will be relevant to you, so please only fill in those sections that you can answer.

When and why did you decide to go to the Fringe?

Which venue was your show in?

Tell us about your venue:

  • What was it like from your perspective?

  • Were the technical capabilities as you'd hoped/expected? 

  • Would you recommend it to others? If so, to beginners or more experienced teams? 

  • Did the venue help with marketing? 

  • Was it a nice place to perform?

  • Were there benefits and perks to being a company in the venue, e.g. free tickets to other shows in the same space?


  • How did you fund the production?

  • What advice would you give to those looking for funding next year?

  • When did you start looking for funding?


  • Where and when did you rehearse? 

  • Were there any problems in the rehearsal process?

Designers / Production Managers:​

  • Where did you build your set? 

  • How did you get the set to Edinburgh? 

  • How did you overcome the problem of a short tech rehearsal? 

  • What did you do about the daily get-in and get-out?

Producers / Marketing Managers:​

  • What use did you make of social media?

  • How did you use physical marketing? For example, how many flyers did you have and where did you distribute them? 

  • What advice would you give to a team marketing their production at the Fringe? 

  • How did you organise the team’s marketing efforts and what did you do about marketing on the Mile?


  • How did you find accommodation for the duration of the Fringe?

  • How did you finance it?

  • Do you have any recommendations for finding a house for your company?

Can we contact you about the contents of your response?
Are you an OUDS Member? (Not required)

Thanks for submitting!

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